Two pictures from two different conferences and arranged by Stockholmsmässan and SACS

Crisis Exercise Achilles 2024


One of the news at SKYDD 2024 is the conference "Achilles 2024." This conference, scheduled for October 22nd, will focus on how society functions during crises.

Sweden's preparedness planning for events and protecting critical societal functions is well-documented and strongly supported by relevant authorities, companies, and organizations. But how does it work practically? When and by whom are decisions made regarding measures that determine the actual outcome of preparedness? Which resources are prioritized? And who will carry out these measures?

You'll have the opportunity to participate in a one-day conference featuring scenario planning, where a potential event threatens critical societal functions. Each phase of the event will be analyzed and commented on by individuals actually involved. Step by step, you'll witness how situation reporting occurs and how collaboration and coordination among the various stakeholders could unfold in a real crisis.

The conference is organized by SACS in collaboration with Stockholmsmässan and is aimed at individuals in positions where, during a serious event, they play a role in taking action, reporting, or supporting societal protective operations when it truly matters. Tickets for the conference will be released in 2024. Would you be interested in participating as a partner in the conference?


Contact me

Säkerhet, Brand & Personligt skydd

Maja Eklund


+46 70 789 42 32